The video series has being distributed to the Spanish language audiences through El Minnesota de Hoy, the daily news portal and current events publication for Latinos en MN as well as extending to different local access television stations. The video series and related material will also be presented in digital channels and social media, promoted under the hashtag #LatinoenMN.
"Yo. Un Latino en Minnesota" is proudly presented by The Minnesota Twins Baseball Club
See our 2017 press release
“To produce our annual “Yo. Latino and Minnesota” series, it’s an opportunity to take the time and reflect on the advancement of our community and to identify what are those topics that are new and that remain as a central part of the conversation today. Our intention is to showcase and celebrate the success of leading individuals that represent the essence of our growing community. These and previous profile interviews are a wonderful occasion to get to know the Hispanic population of Minnesota in the voice of its leaders” said Gustavo Mancilla, Founder at MLatino Media.
Watch previews of Yo. Un Latino en Minnesota at Cine Latino Film Festival by MSP Film Society's.